Healthcare Plan

Ensuring affordable and accessible healthcare for every American.

Lowering Prescription Drug Prices

Our administration will implement a policy allowing Medicare to negotiate directly with pharmaceutical companies to significantly lower drug costs for seniors. By establishing an international reference pricing system, we will cap prices by comparing them with those in other developed countries. Transparency will be key in this process; drug companies will be required to disclose detailed pricing and justifications for price increases, promoting competition and accountability. Additionally, we will streamline the FDA approval process for generic drugs, increasing market competition and reducing prices.

States’ Responsibilities:

  • Coordinate with federal agencies to ensure compliance with new pricing transparency regulations.
  • Monitor local pharmaceutical markets to prevent unfair pricing practices.
  • Support the implementation of streamlined processes for the approval of generic drugs at the state level.

Expanding Medicare Coverage

We will lower the Medicare eligibility age from 65 to 60, expanding healthcare access to millions more Americans. Enhanced benefits will be included, such as coverage for dental, vision, and hearing services, addressing critical gaps in current Medicare coverage. To achieve universal coverage, we will provide additional federal funding and incentives to states to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act. This expansion aims to cover all low-income individuals and families, ensuring that no one is left without access to essential healthcare services.

States’ Responsibilities:

  • Utilize federal funding and incentives to expand Medicaid coverage to more residents.
  • Develop state-specific programs to enhance healthcare services for low-income individuals.
  • Ensure that the expanded Medicare and Medicaid services are accessible and beneficial to all eligible residents.

National Mental Health Awareness and Support

Our administration will launch nationwide campaigns to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health issues, encouraging individuals to seek help. We will boost federal funding for mental health services, including crisis intervention, counseling, and long-term care facilities. Comprehensive mental health programs will be implemented in schools, offering resources and support to students and staff. In underserved areas, community mental health centers will be established to provide accessible care, ensuring that mental health services are available to all who need them.

States’ Responsibilities:

  • Partner with federal agencies to promote mental health awareness campaigns at the state level.
  • Allocate state resources to establish and maintain community mental health centers.
  • Integrate comprehensive mental health programs in local schools, providing support to students and staff.

Healthcare Professional Engagement

We will schedule regular consultations with a diverse group of healthcare professionals to discuss current challenges and potential solutions. Support initiatives will be developed to improve mental health resources, wages, and working conditions for healthcare workers. Additionally, we will fund continuing education opportunities to ensure our healthcare workforce remains skilled and up-to-date. These efforts will help maintain a motivated, well-trained, and adequately compensated healthcare workforce, which is essential for delivering high-quality healthcare services.

States’ Responsibilities:

  • Facilitate the organization of regular consultations between healthcare professionals and state officials.
  • Develop state-level initiatives to support healthcare workers’ mental health, wages, and working conditions.
  • Provide funding and resources for continuing education programs for healthcare professionals within the state.