Immigration Reform Plan

A balanced approach to secure our borders and provide a pathway to citizenship.


Our immigration system is in need of comprehensive reform that prioritizes both security and humanity. The Burch 2024 Immigration Reform Plan aims to create a balanced approach that protects our borders, respects the rule of law, and offers a pathway to citizenship for those contributing to our society.

Border Security

Securing Our Borders

Ensuring the security of our borders is a top priority. We will invest in advanced technology, infrastructure, and personnel to secure our borders effectively.

  • Implement state-of-the-art surveillance systems, including drones and sensors, to monitor border activity.
  • Increase funding for border patrol agents and provide them with the necessary resources and training.
  • Strengthen border infrastructure, including walls, fences, and checkpoints where necessary.
  • Enhance collaboration with neighboring countries to address cross-border issues and improve security measures.

Pathway to Citizenship

Creating Opportunities

We believe in providing a fair and achievable pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who are already living and contributing to our communities.

  • Establish a structured pathway to citizenship that includes background checks, payment of back taxes, and community service requirements.
  • Create programs to help immigrants integrate into society, including language and job training.
  • Ensure that Dreamers, those brought to the United States as children, have a clear and accessible path to citizenship.

Border States' Responsibilities

Collaborative Efforts

Border states play a crucial role in maintaining the security and integrity of our immigration system. We will work closely with state governments to ensure they have the support and resources needed to fulfill their responsibilities.

  • Provide federal funding to border states for enhanced security measures and infrastructure improvements.
  • Establish state-federal task forces to coordinate efforts and share intelligence on border security.
  • Support state-level initiatives that promote legal immigration and assist in the integration of new immigrants.
  • Implement community engagement programs to foster cooperation between local communities and law enforcement agencies.

Legal Immigration System

Reforming the Process

We will reform the legal immigration system to make it more efficient, transparent, and fair.

  • Streamline the visa application process to reduce wait times and eliminate backlogs.
  • Expand the availability of work visas to meet the needs of our economy and industries.
  • Promote family reunification by reducing barriers for family-based immigration.
  • Enhance the asylum process to ensure that those fleeing persecution receive timely and fair consideration.